Friday, 23 May 2014

Olden Days Transport

This week room 8 have been learning about transport in the olden days. After reading books, watching some videos and talking about olden days transport, our first activity was to make Pic Collages. These included pictures of olden days transport like Penny Farthings, horse and carts, horses, old cars and more! When we finished our Pic Collages, we did some writing about olden days transport. Finally, on Friday in T & E we made models of olden days carts. Students were given a stack of popsticks, a piece of cardboard, a roll of tape and an A3 sheet of brown card.  In pairs, students collaborated to plan, create and evaluate their carts. The results were great! 

Watch the slideshow below to see pictures of our busy week learning about olden days transport!

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